Before After
The patient was a 35-year-old Hispanic female who presented to the clinic for liposuction of the back and flanks and an arm lift. Her history was significant for having had an abdominoplasty in the past. Examination showed laxity of the arms with excess skin and subcutaneous tissue, excess fat of the back and dogears of the abdominal incision. At surgery, the arms were treated by a technique that has been described by Sean Francios Pascale of Lyon, France. In this technique, the arms are infiltrated with tumescent solution and the fat subjacent to the skin to removed is liposuctioned completely so only the overlying skin is removed, preserving all of the unnamed nerves and lymphatics. This was done in both arms with an excellent result. Attention was then focused on the back and the flanks in which a total of 350 ML’s was removed. At follow-up, the arms were reduced significantly to a more normal size. You can appreciate in her postop photos, that her waist is now much slimmer.
Premier Plastic Surgery