Houston & Pearland, TX

Chemical Peels

Introduction to Chemical Peels

Your skin’s appearance is constantly affected by genetics, the weather, your diet, and lifestyle choices. These skin impurities can come in the form of sun-damaged skin, brown “age” spots, fine lines and wrinkles, dry or flaky skin, rough skin texture, uneven skin tone, adult acne, superficial facial or acne scars, or excessive oil. Facials, topical serums, and scrubs can significantly improve your skin temporarily, but sometimes, it’s best to reboot your skin thoroughly. This is where Chemical Peels can work like magic! Using controlled techniques of applying a chemical solution to your skin, our team can remove your skin’s ugly superficial layers to reveal the clean and pure skin underneath.

At Premier Plastic Surgery, conveniently located in Pearland, TX, we have helped renew patients’ skin all over Houstonsd

Our Houston area office is located in Pearland, TX, conveniently located to see Chemical Peel patients in Lake Jackson, Clearlake, Friendswood, Marvel and the surrounding areas of South Houston.

woman sitting and sun on her face Houston & Pearland | Premier Plastic Surgery

What is a Chemical Peel?

A chemical peel is a cosmetic procedure used to improve the appearance of the skin, most commonly on the face, neck, or hands. A chemical solution is applied to the skin that causes it to exfoliate and eventually peel off. The newly regenerated skin appears smoother and firmer than the old skin. Three basic types of chemical peels are chosen based on the individual’s needs:

Light Peel

Alpha-hydroxy acid or another mild acid penetrates only the outer layer of skin to exfoliate it gently. The treatment improves the appearance of mild skin discoloration and rough skin and refreshes the face, neck, chest, or hands.

Medium Peel

Glycolic or trichloroacetic acid is applied to penetrate the outer and middle layers of the skin to remove damaged skin cells. The treatment improves age spots, fine lines and wrinkles, freckles, and moderate skin discoloration. It can also smooth rough skin and treat precancerous skin growths, i.e., actinic keratosis. You may need to undergo the procedure more than once with a light or medium peel to get the desired results.

Deep Peel

Trichloroacetic acid or phenol is applied to penetrate the middle layer of the skin deeply and remove damaged skin cells. The treatment removes moderate lines, age spots, freckles, and shallow scars. Patients will see a dramatic improvement in skin appearance. The procedure is used on the face and can only be performed once. Deeper chemical peels take longer to recover from.

What Are the Benefits of a Chemical Peel?

The benefits of a chemical peel in Houston are pretty extensive, as this innovative solution can correct the following: 

  • Acne scars
  • Hyperpigmentation
  • Age spots
  • Aging skin
  • Crow’s feet
  • Melasma
  • Sun-damaged skin
  • Wrinkles
  • Sagging Skin

This is by no means an exhaustive list. To find out how a chemical peel can improve the look and feel of your skin, contact us to schedule a personalized consultation with Dr. Hankins.

Who Are the Best Candidates for a Chemical Peel?

Superficial peels are recommended for all skin types experiencing the typical signs of aging listed above. A chemical peel is not the proper treatment for further medical issues or severe scarring. 

With a medium and deeper peel, Dr. Hankins will perform a detailed examination to see if you are the right candidate. There is a risk of adverse effects if you have a darker skin tone. The risk can include hyperpigmentation, meaning your skin will appear darker after the treatment. To prevent this from happening, we recommend scheduling a consultation where Dr. Hankins can advise you on the best course of treatment.

female looking over her shoulder Houston & Pearland | Premier Plastic Surgery

Chemical Peels First Step

What’s the first step?

You will make the right choice with Dr. Hankins for individuals interested in a Houston chemical peel. First, call our practice to schedule a consultation, where Dr. Hankins will perform a personalized and detailed assessment of your skin. This is also space to share your concerns, goals, and hesitations about a chemical peel. By explaining all the benefits and giving you detailed information about the process, Dr. Hankins will work to put your mind at ease and even get you excited to see how a chemical peel can benefit you. Our patient coordinators are ready to help and get you started, so call us today. 

Prepping your skin before your Chemical Peel in Houston is crucial to seeing great results. Here are some instructions to follow before coming in for your treatment:

  • Avoid tanning and direct sun exposure for two weeks before each treatment.
  • Before treatment, apply topical products (such as hydroquinone) to prepare your skin.
  • Don’t use any products containing retinoids (such as tretinoin) one to two weeks before treatment.
  • If you have been prescribed oral antibiotics or an oral antiviral medicine, take it at least 24 hours before your chemical peel.
  • Peel areas must be free of open sores, lesions, or skin infections.

What to Expect From a Chemical Peel Treatment

When you arrive at our clinic for your appointment, Dr. Hankins will begin by cleaning the skin to eliminate dirt, oil, and any other impurities that can hinder the chemical peel process. It is advisable to avoid wearing makeup or other topical creams on the day of your treatment. Dr. Hankins will then cover your hair, nose, eyes, and mouth before proceeding to the next step. 

After your skin is clean, a specified chemical solution is applied. The chemical solutions we use on our patients can contain glycolic acid, trichloroacetic acid, salicylic acid, lactic acid, or carbolic acid (phenol). These different chemical solutions work on the skin by causing a controlled injury, penetrating through to a different skin depth, and then peeling away to reveal a new layer of skin. We use various solutions tailored to each patient based on their needs, skin types, and the depth of peel they receive. Dr. Hankins will inform you beforehand which chemical he will use.

Throughout the procedure, the skin will experience a warming sensation that will last a few minutes, followed by a stinging sensation. You will be able to communicate how you are feeling throughout the treatment so that Dr. Hankins can apply a cold compress at intervals where it is needed. The procedure will be completed by cleaning all the remaining solutions off your skin. You can resume regular activities immediately after leaving our clinic, knowing your skin has been rejuvenated.

Chemical Peel Recovery

The recovery process from a chemical peel will vary depending on whether you received a superficial, medium, or deep peel. Following these meticulous guidelines will ensure long-lasting results and vibrant and youthful skin. Regardless of your peel type, Dr. Hankins recommends constant sun protection, thoughtfully using products that care for your skin, and avoiding tanning beds. 

Superficial Chemical Peel Recovery:

  • Expect redness followed by scaling that lasts between three and seven days.
  • Apply lotion or cream as directed until your skin heals. After your skin heals, apply daily sunscreen.
  • You can wear makeup immediately after treatment or the next day.

Medium Chemical Peel Recovery:

  • Expect some redness, swelling, stinging, and flaking of your skin. Swelling may last and worsen for 48 hours. Blisters can develop and break open. Skin will crust and peel off over seven to 14 days.
  • Perform daily soaks as directed. Apply ointment after each soak, and apply lotion or cream daily. Don’t expose your skin to sunlight until completely healed.
  • Antiviral medication will need to be taken for 10 to 14 days.
  • You can wear makeup after five to seven days.

Deep Chemical Peel Recovery:

  • The treatment area will be bandaged. Your bandages will be removed in a few days. Expect a healing time of 14 to 21 days.
  • Perform daily soaks as directed. After 14 days, apply ointment after each soak and moisturizer as directed. Don’t expose your skin to the sun for three to six months.
  • Antiviral medication will need to be taken for 10 to 14 days.
  • Wait at least 14 days before using any makeup.

Dr. Hankins and our team will walk you through the recovery process so you don’t feel overwhelmed.

Chemical Peels Cost

How Much Do Chemical Peels Cost in Houston, TX?

The cost of chemical peels in Houston and Pearland will vary depending on the type of peel you are getting and the area being treated. After Dr. Hankins has examined your skin and created your treatment plan, our patient coordinator can provide you with a complete breakdown of the total cost.

We understand that sometimes it can be challenging to pay for cosmetic surgery. Dr. Hankins and his entire team at Premier Plastic Surgery want to make sure your choice of cosmetic surgery procedures is as affordable as possible. One way we do that is by offering complimentary consultations to all our patients. Please note: We charge a no-show consultation fee and require a credit card to schedule a consultation and/or appointment.

We offer several payment options, including CareCredit and United Medical Credit. If you have any questions about the fees or financing for your treatment or procedure, please don’t hesitate to ask.

We also accept:

  • Cash or Check: personal check, cashier’s check, or cash
  • American Express
  • VISA
  • MasterCard
  • Discover

Payment is due in full before the start of treatment. You can use payment options individually or in any combination you choose. Feel free to contact our office about your financing options.

There should be nothing standing in the way of your desire to achieve a fresh new look. Dr. Hankins realizes that cosmetic surgery is typically not covered by most insurance plans, so he’s happy to offer several different financing options to his patients in Houston, Pearland, Lake Jackson, and the neighboring communities of South Houston. If you still have questions, contact the office, and we’ll be happy to help.

Why Choose Dr. Hankins?

Dr. Hankins is Houston’s most recommended plastic surgeon in the Houston area because he blends expertise with a warm, charming demeanor. Even with non-surgical treatments, such as chemical peels, seeking care from a doctor with experience and proper certifications is essential. As a member of the American Board of Pathology (ABP), the American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery (AACS), the American Association of Anti-Aging Medicine (AAAAM), and the Texas Medical Association (TMA), Dr. Hankins uses knowledge and experience to help achieve superior results with an easier recovery. When you meet Dr. Hankins and see his before-and-after photos, you’ll understand why so many women have trusted him to transform their post-pregnancy bodies.

dr hankins and his staff Houston & Pearland | Premier Plastic Surgery Color

Chemical Peels FAQ’S

Schedule a Consultation

If you are in the Houston area and want to reduce fine lines and wrinkles, reduce the appearance of scarring, or even achieve a beautifully renewed glow, a chemical peel could be an excellent solution! To learn more about how this treatment can improve your skin’s appearance, we encourage you to schedule a consultation with our medical experts at Premier Plastic Surgery.