Home » Arm Lift (Brachioplasty)

Arm Lift (Brachioplasty) in Houston, TX

Traditional arm lift surgery, known as brachioplasty, can be done at an affordable cost. Call well-known plastic surgeon Christopher Hankins, MD for a complimentary consultation if you live in Houston, Pearland, Lake Jackson, and the surrounding areas of South Houston

What is a Brachioplasty (Arm Lift)?

Many patients with significant weight loss come to the clinic with complaints of loose skin and fat on the arms and ask for a brachioplasty. In this practice, we use the technique described by Jean Francois Pascal of Leon, France. In his technique, the excess fat and skin that need to be removed on the upper arms are marked with the patient standing.

On the operating table, the area beneath the sagging skin is infiltrated with a tumescent solution to increase the tissue turgor for liposuction and prevent bleeding. The fat is then removed from the fascia to the level of the skin by liposuction (rather than an en bloc resection of tissue). This ensures there is no fat left subjacent to the skin to be excised. Only the skin is then removed, leaving behind a honeycombed latticework of tissue containing the lymphatics, nerves, and blood vessels. In this way, the potential complications of lymphedema and sensory loss are avoided.

Other techniques call for an en bloc resection of tissue, which is more likely to have the aforementioned complications due to loss of lymphatic tissue and injury to the intercostal brachial nerve (a small sensory nerve that runs along the medial or inside aspect of the arm.)

How Do I Know if an Arm Lift is Right for Me?

The choice to move forward with brachioplasty surgery is deeply personal, which is why the experienced staff at Premier Plastic Surgery will work with you step by step to help you make the best decision for you. An arm lift may not be the right choice for everyone. The best candidates should be at a stable body weight, have realistic expectations, and have loose or sagging skin on their arms. You can expect our honest, medical opinion regarding this body contouring procedure to help you achieve your desired goals.

Dr. Hankins, our board-certified plastic surgeon, and the staff at Premier Plastic Surgery will provide you with detailed post-surgery instructions. It is important that these post-operative instructions are followed to reduce the chances of complications during the arm lift recovery process. You can always check back in with us regarding any concerns you have regarding your arm lift surgery.

Don’t hesitate or feel embarrassed about calling with questions. Chances are that we’ve answered similar questions many times before. We are more than happy to alleviate your concerns regarding this cosmetic surgery.

Brachioplasty (Arm Lift) in Houston, TX

When you have your personalized consultation at our clinic with Dr. Hankins, bring any concerns with you. He will go over every one of them until you are fully satisfied and every concern is addressed. Brachioplasty, as a stand-alone procedure, is an outpatient procedure performed in a fully accredited, state-of-the-art surgical suite. It can be combined with other body contouring procedures as well.

Brachioplasty Testimonials

Recently had a brachioplasty and lipo done on my upper arms with Dr. Hankins and I’m very pleased with the service and results.
Dr. Hankins is a great doctor and a sweet person, he makes you feel comfortable and his skills are amazing.
Jean and the rest of the rest of the staff is wonderful.
I recommend Premier Plastic Surgery 100%

Arm Lift Surgery Results

The results of a brachioplasty are almost immediate. While initial swelling and bruising may hide some results, once they recede, you’ll notice a dramatically improved feel and appearance. Your new upper arms will appear shapelier, smoother, and toned with tighter contours.

Frequently Asked Questions About Arm Lifts

When will I see the results of my arm lift?

You will likely see some initial changes right after surgery, but typically, the final results don\u2019t appear until the swelling completely resolves. This can take several weeks to a few months.

How long does an arm lift take?

An arm lift, known as a brachioplasty in medical terms, can take anywhere from 2-3 hours.

What should I avoid after an arm lift?

As with most operative procedures, patients are instructed to avoid lifting weights heavier than 5 pounds for the first 6 weeks after surgery to allow the tensile strength of the wound to progressed to the point where they can resume normal preoperative activity. Generally after 6 weeks, our patients are allowed to return to full activity including exercise, including weight lifting.

How painful is an arm lift?

We have not had any patients who have undergone this procedure that could not keep their pain level at a tolerable level. This again is greatly aided by performing this procedure and a minimally invasive way and by gentle tissue handling.

Can liposuction be done at the same time as an arm lift?

Liposuction is an interval part of the procedure and this allows us to perform the procedure and a minimally invasive way in which scan is the only tissue that is actually excised from the patient. This leaves all the unnamed nerves, blood vessels and lymphatics intact that help minimize the postoperative period of recovery and enhance good wound healing.

What is the arm lift recovery process like?

On postop patients are followed very closely and are given priority so that they can come to the office at any time after their surgical procedure that our office is open and either be seen directly by Dr. Hankins or by an experienced staff member. After 2 weeks, patients were strongly encouraged to enter into our postoperative scar management protocol in order to get the optimum results from surgery. Although this entails an additional expense, that payoff well worth it.

Does arm lift leave a scar?

As with any surgical procedure, an arm lift does leave scars. These are typically placed at the lower border of the biceps, and extend into the axilla. Participation in our postoperative scar treatment protocol will greatly help to optimize the final appearance of the scars and render them as inconspicuous as possible.

How long do the results of an arm lift last?

The results of an arm lift are permanent. Adherence to a healthy lifestyle, avoidance of large fluctuations of weight, a good diet and postoperative scar care, as is recommended by our clinic, will enhance the postoperative appearance as well as the longevity of the results.

How should I prepare for my arm lift?

Patients are required to attain the BMI as prescribed by the doctor prior to surgery being done. Any pre-existing medical conditions should be optimized as much as possible, including diabetes. We routinely work with the patient’s primary care physician to make sure that their recommendations are carried out prior to surgery. If they are not, the surgery is either postponed or canceled. We do not cut corners or take short cut measures that are contrary to the patient’s best interests. The hemoglobin A1c, which is a marker for chronic levels of blood glucose, should also be optimized so as to minimize the postoperative infection risk. Patients on blood thinners should come off the blood thinners as per their doctor’s orders for at least several days before and after surgery. Smokers need to refrain from smoking at least 6 weeks before and after surgery. The us of aspirin or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents should be avoided for 4 weeks prior to and at least 2 weeks subsequent to surgery. We generally recommend that the patient avoid any dietary supplements that are noted to have blood thinning as a side effect. The ideal candidate for an arm lift procedure is someone who was lost a great deal of weight and has a thin flap of redundant skin and subcutaneous tissue hanging from the arm. Unfortunately, not every patient presents with an ideal case scenario. That then comes down to a judgment call by the surgeon and an agreement between the patient and surgeon regarding what needs to be done prior to surgery as far as weight loss is concerned. We offer this population of patients an in House weight loss protocol at a reasonable price point so that their weight is not an obstacle to the patient achieving their goals. Lastly as with any surgical procedure, we insist that the patient arrange for someone to remain with them for the 24 hours postoperatively and for several days there after until they reach a point that they can care for themselves if they live alone.

How much does an arm lift cost? Premier Plastic Surgery proudly offers financing options for our arm lift patients – call our office for pricing information.

We’ve all seen them: the “bat-wings” under the arms that just keep waving, long after your hand has stopped. If you’re tired of “winging” it, maybe it’s time to think about an arm lift procedure. Schedule a free consultation with Dr. Christopher Hankins to explore all your options. Our staff proudly serves residents in Houston, Pearland, Lake Jackson, and the neighboring areas of South Houston.

Home » Arm Lift (Brachioplasty)

Arm Lift (Brachioplasty) in Houston, TX

Traditional arm lift surgery, known as brachioplasty, can be done at an affordable cost. Call well-known plastic surgeon Christopher Hankins, MD for a complimentary consultation if you live in Houston, Pearland, Lake Jackson, and the surrounding areas of South Houston

What is a Brachioplasty (Arm Lift)?

Many patients with significant weight loss come to the clinic with complaints of loose skin and fat on the arms and ask for a brachioplasty. In this practice, we use the technique described by Jean Francois Pascal of Leon, France. In his technique, the excess fat and skin that need to be removed on the upper arms are marked with the patient standing.

On the operating table, the area beneath the sagging skin is infiltrated with a tumescent solution to increase the tissue turgor for liposuction and prevent bleeding. The fat is then removed from the fascia to the level of the skin by liposuction (rather than an en bloc resection of tissue). This ensures there is no fat left subjacent to the skin to be excised. Only the skin is then removed, leaving behind a honeycombed latticework of tissue containing the lymphatics, nerves, and blood vessels. In this way, the potential complications of lymphedema and sensory loss are avoided.

Other techniques call for an en bloc resection of tissue, which is more likely to have the aforementioned complications due to loss of lymphatic tissue and injury to the intercostal brachial nerve (a small sensory nerve that runs along the medial or inside aspect of the arm.)

How Do I Know if an Arm Lift is Right for Me?

The choice to move forward with brachioplasty surgery is deeply personal, which is why the experienced staff at Premier Plastic Surgery will work with you step by step to help you make the best decision for you. An arm lift may not be the right choice for everyone. The best candidates should be at a stable body weight, have realistic expectations, and have loose or sagging skin on their arms. You can expect our honest, medical opinion regarding this body contouring procedure to help you achieve your desired goals.

Dr. Hankins, our board-certified plastic surgeon, and the staff at Premier Plastic Surgery will provide you with detailed post-surgery instructions. It is important that these post-operative instructions are followed to reduce the chances of complications during the arm lift recovery process. You can always check back in with us regarding any concerns you have regarding your arm lift surgery.

Don’t hesitate or feel embarrassed about calling with questions. Chances are that we’ve answered similar questions many times before. We are more than happy to alleviate your concerns regarding this cosmetic surgery.

Brachioplasty (Arm Lift) in Houston, TX

When you have your personalized consultation at our clinic with Dr. Hankins, bring any concerns with you. He will go over every one of them until you are fully satisfied and every concern is addressed. Brachioplasty, as a stand-alone procedure, is an outpatient procedure performed in a fully accredited, state-of-the-art surgical suite. It can be combined with other body contouring procedures as well.

Brachioplasty Testimonials

Recently had a brachioplasty and lipo done on my upper arms with Dr. Hankins and I’m very pleased with the service and results.
Dr. Hankins is a great doctor and a sweet person, he makes you feel comfortable and his skills are amazing.
Jean and the rest of the rest of the staff is wonderful.
I recommend Premier Plastic Surgery 100%

Arm Lift Surgery Results

The results of a brachioplasty are almost immediate. While initial swelling and bruising may hide some results, once they recede, you’ll notice a dramatically improved feel and appearance. Your new upper arms will appear shapelier, smoother, and toned with tighter contours.

Frequently Asked Questions About Arm Lifts

When will I see the results of my arm lift?

You will likely see some initial changes right after surgery, but typically, the final results don\u2019t appear until the swelling completely resolves. This can take several weeks to a few months.

How long does an arm lift take?

An arm lift, known as a brachioplasty in medical terms, can take anywhere from 2-3 hours.

What should I avoid after an arm lift?

As with most operative procedures, patients are instructed to avoid lifting weights heavier than 5 pounds for the first 6 weeks after surgery to allow the tensile strength of the wound to progressed to the point where they can resume normal preoperative activity. Generally after 6 weeks, our patients are allowed to return to full activity including exercise, including weight lifting.

How painful is an arm lift?

We have not had any patients who have undergone this procedure that could not keep their pain level at a tolerable level. This again is greatly aided by performing this procedure and a minimally invasive way and by gentle tissue handling.

Can liposuction be done at the same time as an arm lift?

Liposuction is an interval part of the procedure and this allows us to perform the procedure and a minimally invasive way in which scan is the only tissue that is actually excised from the patient. This leaves all the unnamed nerves, blood vessels and lymphatics intact that help minimize the postoperative period of recovery and enhance good wound healing.

What is the arm lift recovery process like?

On postop patients are followed very closely and are given priority so that they can come to the office at any time after their surgical procedure that our office is open and either be seen directly by Dr. Hankins or by an experienced staff member. After 2 weeks, patients were strongly encouraged to enter into our postoperative scar management protocol in order to get the optimum results from surgery. Although this entails an additional expense, that payoff well worth it.

Does arm lift leave a scar?

As with any surgical procedure, an arm lift does leave scars. These are typically placed at the lower border of the biceps, and extend into the axilla. Participation in our postoperative scar treatment protocol will greatly help to optimize the final appearance of the scars and render them as inconspicuous as possible.

How long do the results of an arm lift last?

The results of an arm lift are permanent. Adherence to a healthy lifestyle, avoidance of large fluctuations of weight, a good diet and postoperative scar care, as is recommended by our clinic, will enhance the postoperative appearance as well as the longevity of the results.

How should I prepare for my arm lift?

Patients are required to attain the BMI as prescribed by the doctor prior to surgery being done. Any pre-existing medical conditions should be optimized as much as possible, including diabetes. We routinely work with the patient’s primary care physician to make sure that their recommendations are carried out prior to surgery. If they are not, the surgery is either postponed or canceled. We do not cut corners or take short cut measures that are contrary to the patient’s best interests. The hemoglobin A1c, which is a marker for chronic levels of blood glucose, should also be optimized so as to minimize the postoperative infection risk. Patients on blood thinners should come off the blood thinners as per their doctor’s orders for at least several days before and after surgery. Smokers need to refrain from smoking at least 6 weeks before and after surgery. The us of aspirin or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents should be avoided for 4 weeks prior to and at least 2 weeks subsequent to surgery. We generally recommend that the patient avoid any dietary supplements that are noted to have blood thinning as a side effect. The ideal candidate for an arm lift procedure is someone who was lost a great deal of weight and has a thin flap of redundant skin and subcutaneous tissue hanging from the arm. Unfortunately, not every patient presents with an ideal case scenario. That then comes down to a judgment call by the surgeon and an agreement between the patient and surgeon regarding what needs to be done prior to surgery as far as weight loss is concerned. We offer this population of patients an in House weight loss protocol at a reasonable price point so that their weight is not an obstacle to the patient achieving their goals. Lastly as with any surgical procedure, we insist that the patient arrange for someone to remain with them for the 24 hours postoperatively and for several days there after until they reach a point that they can care for themselves if they live alone.

How much does an arm lift cost? Premier Plastic Surgery proudly offers financing options for our arm lift patients – call our office for pricing information.

We’ve all seen them: the “bat-wings” under the arms that just keep waving, long after your hand has stopped. If you’re tired of “winging” it, maybe it’s time to think about an arm lift procedure. Schedule a free consultation with Dr. Christopher Hankins to explore all your options. Our staff proudly serves residents in Houston, Pearland, Lake Jackson, and the neighboring areas of South Houston.

